Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fall Steelhead Starting Up

Hi All

Sorry for the big laps in reports...We never had a super huge push of fish, no big rain, or no major change in the weather to trigger the Salmon Run...So it was a trickle, trickle, trickle run and it's still trickling and will thru November into December is my guess...Fall Steelhead are starting to show up in the same trickle effect and will continue all Fall and thru the Winter as usual. Had a guide trip yesterday and we had a good day with a mixed bag pitching lures..John and Kevin caught Pike, Steelhead, Coho and a Lake Trout..The Laker is my first in the River. Even had a few Kings follow up to the boat...

Other than the usual guiding in the Fall I have been bird hunting with some friends Jeff and Heather over their new German Shorthair, June for Grouse and Woodcock. I also went out with Greg Dygert a customer and his Black Lab, Holly to Gleasons Farm in Custer to shoot Pheasants..I got a grouse and woodcock over the new pup June and 4 Pheasants at the farm over Holly...We all had fun shooting up the woods..I always measure a bird hunt not by how many you get but by how much your gun goes off. As long as your burning shells your having fun with your shotgun...Why shoot once when you can shoot twice, with your second shot being more accurate than your first..Unless you hit with your first shot, then your conserving ammo...

I have been working in my basement all Fall on and off between trips and such...Re-located the bathroom and going to finish off the old bunkhouse for my son Adam to live while he goes to college. So that's been a ton of projects and will keep going on it thru December..I'm guessing it will be done by New Years if not sooner..

Leaving for my annual Bow hunting trip next week to MO. and will be back November around the 12th. and have a few trips on the books right after I get home..So if your interested in chasing Steelhead I'm open Nov. 15th on thru December 15 th.. which to me is the best time to Steelhead if you ask me...

Here is a bunch of pictures from the Fall Salmon run...Good luck with the Fall Steelhead Run we still need a bunch of rain to fire that up better...

Wish me luck Bow hunting and I'll see you in November sometime, hopefully with a big buck on the ground and Steelhead rod in hand and one in the net...

Tight Lines