Hi All
Summer is still here but will be winding down soon. Jeff and I have went Pike fishing last week..Had a 1/2 day Trout trip this past Sunday with Joe.. John Robinson and I have been doing a bunch of big laken out on Lake Michigan. John's lady's team won 4 th. place on Friday July 17th $300 prize money with me on Hookzalot..Glad we were in my 25' boat with radar. We were fogged in all day and big waves..The Lady's team did great, despite very bad conditions..Ludington Offshore Classic was cancelled Saturday due to severe thunder storms July 18th.( another day we were all very glad to be in a big boat) and it turned into a 1 day shootout..Team Hookzalot came in 26th. about the middle of the pack on Sunday....Other than fun fishing with family and friends and the normal busy summer tourist season stuff, all is good..
I will be calling people soon to finalize there Salmon season plans and there is a couple Kings swimming around the river already..No fishable #'s of course but you might see a few here or there if your looking in the bottom of a big deep dark hole...We are catching Kings more consistently out in Lake Michigan the last few trips out as they move in closer to shore...
Tight Lines