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Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays !
Hi All
First I'd like to say Thank You from Clint, Debi and Adam Anderson here at the Red Moose Lodge for helping us have a great 2013 season and hope to see you all again next year in 2014. Second is come up and enjoy all the great outdoor activities this Winter. We are buried with snow !!!! Compared to many other December's. We have around 12"-14" of fluffy stuff last week that settled into a good base around 8"-10" over last weekend when we hit 30-34 deg... Sence then we have had another 6"+ of fresh fluffy land on that base to bring us to well over a foot of snow in the woods..That's pretty good for this early in Baldwin..Trails are groomed and ready for you to ride your snowmobiles..
Ice fishing : still be extra careful. The ice isn't super great around here...I went on one local lake last week on Thursday the 16 th. and it was iffy..We had 2" of hard ice and 1.5" of soft slush on top..We just have had to much snow to have real good ice. I'll bet were around 30" of snowfall for December so far..My driveway looks like February.. 4' banks that are built out 8' and already missing 2 or 3 parking spaces..We still have parking but the lot's not getting larger it's getting smaller. We'll probably have to have a front end loader come in by the middle of January if it continues to snow like it has..
Steelhead and Trout fishing continues to be good. There are days when the bite is off totally. Other days when the bite is good..You just have to go !! To find out.. The fish are in the system and when they feel like feeding you have to be there in the right spot with the right stuff on the end of your line. Hiring a guide is the best thing to do even if it's for a half day. That way your in the right spot with the right thing on the end of your line. You have 2 out of 3 things you need covered, now all you need to wait for the fish to decide to feed on your offering. Then the real fun begins..A good guide is a very skilled net man and has a warm camera ready to take your picture also a heater to warm your hands back up. This time of year is when good guide can make the difference in getting skunked (which is a bummer but happens) or landing a couple Steelhead and having a great time..Plus you will learn new skills each trip despite the number of years you have been doing this sport..
Have fun and enjoy the outdoors this winter !
Tight Lines
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Been Hunting and Fishing Fool
December 10, 2013
It's cold up here 7 deg. this a.m.. Winter is here ! We have had about 15"-20" of snowfall. Most of it melted last week in a 50 deg. warm up. When I got home there was still some crusty banks and a dusting on the driveway.I'll bet we have plowed 6- 8 times since Nov. 20th. More snow is on the way tonight and we have flurries going on now. 5" of super fluffy stuff is on the ground now and another 4"-6" is predicted overnight.
My Steelhead trips thru November and December were good when I was home. I missed a lot of good fishing while in Missouri bow hunting Deer for 2 weeks. I got a buck a decent 9 pt at 30 yds. with my bow.. The Deer numbers were down really bad this year. The Deer had a second summer where it was hot and dry and as a result EHD or ( blue tong) reared it's ugly head. Last season there were a few less Deer but we had a pretty good hunt all and all. This season SUCKED my Deer sightings were down 60-70%..
I hunt 3 or 4 different farms and all were the same and so were the farms my friends were hunting. Trail camera photo's were down too. My cousin had a family of 10 doe's coming into his green field last season everyday..This season it's the same 3 or 4 doe's coming in everyday. Big bucks took a hit also, very few of them survived. A sickness like EHD affects the young and old the hardest. There was a few medium size bucks left and a few doe's left but I never laid eyes on a giant buck in 2 weeks of hunting hard.
6 guys total hunted. I bow hunted for 2 weeks and 5 other guys went down for 1 week of bow and 1 week of firearm. All in all our group killed 5 bucks, 2 doe's, and 1 wild turkey. 2 Bucks were killed with a gun the rest was with bows and crossbows. Everyone killed something or had shots but the big buck sightings were way down and so was the overall sightings and opportunities. It can only get better next year, but I'm thinking it's going to take 3 to 5 years to get back to normal good/ great hunting again..
Steelhead fishing this past weekend was good. There was a good bite both Saturday and Sunday. It was mostly on eggs. Even saw a zombie Salmon or 2 floating around. Probably why eggs were good. Had only 1 or 2 fish on the nymphs. One of the 2 days we hooked into 10. Most of the bite was afternoon. So getting out and being the first guy wasn't a factor at all..The 4 guys were cold but they made it and were glad they came up for some solid days of Winter Steelheading on the Pere Marquette River..
That's all for now. I need to put away my hunting stuff, clean the basement and barn and get ready for snowmobiling and ice fishing. Some lakes are already reporting 3"-5" of good ice. Still be careful for the next week or so and I wouldn't try snowmobiling on any of the lakes yet.They just barely have enough to walk on.
Tight Lines
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Fall Steel
Hi All
Fall Steelheading is going and based on conditions can be real good. The fish are there but when the water is low and slow it can be tough. Just add water and you will get a push of nice big fresh ones and good conditions all at the same time and it's really good for a while. King Salmon and Coho Salmon are present if you just want to put a bend in the fly rod. Nymphs are still good on some days when eggs are not working well. Try hex's, stones and caddis in the upper streaches..
Spinners and plugs are taking there fair share along with flies. If intrested in a trip my open days are November 17-25th...Half or Full Days.
Tight Lines
Happy Steelheading !
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Steelhead are Lurking
Hi All
Salmon season is still in full swing and so is the foul odor on the river. There are far more dead ones than alive ones. We have had a good mixed bag on the last couple trips out. Every day last week we jumped 2 or 3 Steelhead a day some days you land them some days you don't. Steelhead, Coho, Kings and Browns are all possiable in a day on the river. Our version of a October Grand Slam.. We had 2 days with a grand slam last week and a couple days off by one species. There is no better time of year to flyfish than October the river is a target rich enviroment and the Fall colors are great. It's a win- win..
I have booked this Friday / Saturday / Sunday and then I have open dates 21st.- 28th of October. If your intrested in a full or half day on the river give me a call..
We are getting some rain around here and a slight stain to the river. It should be bringing up the remainder of the Salmon and increasing our chances at Steelhead daily..
Tight Lines
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
More Salmon ? Yep
Hi All
Yes, more and more Salmon are coming up river to lay there eggs in the fertil Pere Marquette River. The Trout are enjoying the free meals as well as they fatten up for there up coming spawning season as well here in a few weeks. Caught a real nice 11 lb. Coho Salmon this past week nearly chrome and it smashed the fly second cast for Rick. Dave and son Nate caught some 24lb. and 25lb Kings. Dave also pulled off some nice doubles 2 weeks in a row. Week 1 he landed a King and a 10" Brown in one cast and week 2 it was a 12" and 16" brown on one cast. Well the river is fully joy right now with the air and water temps falling. Some breif showers and thunderstorms giving the river and the springs a little extra flow. Have had some women getting in on the action too. This sports great for all ages. Lots of fish and tons of oppertunity at catching these large fish in a small stream. Even if you don't land one it's still just a great experience to see all the fish in the system spawning, or even a hole thats stacked full heads and tails..It's just a spectical some days seeing how many fish can pack themselfs into a hole..Unreal if you get to fish a spot like that..
It's been real busy and has been nice seeing all the new and old clients around the lodge and on the river. We have about another month of Salmon season left then Fall Steelhead starts to take over and what Salmon are left are just bait piles and accidental catches as we target Trout and Steelhead behind them..
My open dates to guide are October 6 then the 11th.--31st.. After October 15th. I start to really look for Steelhead and will target them.. Between now and then they are jumped here and there. We have some good room openings after October 6 thru November. So if you want to miss the crowds there is plenty of time to enjoy some great fishing as the river emptys out and most of the fishermen take to the woods chasing bird dogs, Ducks or Deer.
Have A Great Salmon Season !
Tight Lines
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Peak Salmon season is here
Hi All
2013 Salmon season is in full swing. There is Salmon spawing activity in all sections of river from Custer to the upper head waters. There are staging fish moving up from the lake daily where they stop no body know's ( but I want to be there when they do). Some nights they move 2 miles some nights 30 miles. A few Steelhead are being jumped here and there, very few landed. Brown Trout are becoming active and biting better with the cooler water and little showers we are recieving. We haven't had high dirty water yet this Fall season but when we do the run will explode. Last really good heavy rain was back in June sometime. So the river is low and clear for the most part which makes fishing a little slower and boat travle slower and lots of rock and gravel grinding but there is plenty of fish in the system for everyone to play with. If you don't have a fish weight scale near buy you might want to bring one or buy one. There are some whoppers in the system this season.
I have a couple open date to guide trips September 22,23,24,25..
I,m also open in October 6, 10th.---31st. Which is great flyfishing for a real mixed bag Kings, Coho, Trout and Steelhead...
Tight Lines
Monday, September 9, 2013
Salmon run has started
September 9 , 2013
Hi All
The Salmon run has been going for a couple weeks. It has been a slow start for hardware with the very little rain we have had. We have had a couple trickles but no real big pushes yet. The best thing going right now is the flyfishing program in the holes for staging fish. Every section from the M-37 to Walhalla has a couple holes with some nice stacks of Salmon.
The Bait and tackle program has been tough in the lower river.. I haven"t had a great day yet down stream lots of 1 or 2 fish to the boat days.There have been lots of days lower river the fish are rolling around but won't bite because the water conditions are poor. The water has been warm and the fish have been going right by lower river headed for the Trout stream protions where the holes are deeper, cooler, and extra current for some extra oxygen in there gills..So fewer fish hanging around lower river and super clear water down there also has forced me move up stream to flyfish for them with better #'s to cast to. I have casted some lures for a couple hours mid stream and had just as many bites as if I had been down river casting. Then switching over to flies for the rest of the day in big deep holes.
The fish are a larger average and very hard to land. snaping line, straiting hooks, and many lures lost to log jams as the fish weaves his way thru. Picking areas with room to fight fish is key to landing them. They are hot and big Salmon...
Good Luck and hope to see you on the river or around the lodge.
I have a few open dates September 16,18,22,23,24,25,29 if intrested in guided trip..
Tight Lines
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Finaly some RAIN !
Hi All
We'll we have got some good down pours in the last 24 hours. I haven't had a chance to check the rain gauge but I'm guessing a inch. Which isn't a lot but it fell hard and fast. Lots of new trees down with the heavy winds but also the oaks I cut up going across the road at the cabin had good acorns on them. Which is making them heavy also. Bring a saw if you plan to float the river in a driftboat and even a come along if you have one with a sturdy rope.
This will kick off the season and get fish moving along up stream. There is decent pockets of fish in every section of river but the best is yet to come. The first 2 weeks of August was better weather than these last 2 weeks. It' has been hot and dry. There is more fish around these last 2 weeks but the bite is worse from all the heat and sun warming the water putting them in a down bite.. This rain is cooling the river down and adding oxygen. The flow prior was deathly warm , slow and little oxygen.
I've had a few trips but there is nothing to brag about #'s wise. Scott here with my largest king of the season at 28+ lbs. This fish would have been is about 5 th. place in the Ludington Tournament this summer. Big fish so far in the big lake is 35.9 lbs. last I herd. That fish was caught on Katch Me, most likely on a meat rig. That was the last week in July. Scotts 28 lber was on a stick bait with 30 lb. braid. I've had a few other in the Minnow my 165 FM this season that were 24, 22 lbs and those were nice fish. This is the year for a wall mounter. The taxidermist will be busy this Winter mounting big Kings Salmon.. Congrats Scott that is the biggest King I've ever had on a stick bait that hit the floor of my jet sled.
Well got to get to bed. Good luck this weekend it's the last weekend of summer. Drive safe and go hook some fish and have a GREAT SEASON this Fall...
If intrested is a guided trip this Fall my open dates are.
September 2,3,5,9,10,16,18,22,23,24,25,29..
October 6, 9-27th. Great Fly Fishing dates in October..
Tight Lines
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Salmon are in..
August 18, 2013
Hi All
There are a few King Salmon around. Conditions are poor..Low clear, bright and sunny...The Salmon are trickling up the system and there isn't any huge #s around but if you want to give it a try, you can catch a few. I was 2 for 5 with Johnny Matson and Camron his daughter and 1 for 1 today with clients Tom and his wife. Biggest diffrence is it was 42 deg up to low 70's. on the 15th. in the a.m. and 52 deg this a.m. with highs in the mid 80's by noon today. Plus on the 15th. the peir head was 40 deg and more fish were on the move and around the harbor... So things change day to day....Some rain would be great, like 3-5" would be perfect..But here we are again waiting for rain to bring us a big push and better conditions for casting lures... The fish are big.. One of Johnny's fish was 22 lb. male and the hen we caught today was 20 lbs. Johnny had the last fish of the scout mission spool him removing all 300-400 ' of all his braid and backing. In other words these fish are very big on average.. Sorry no picture of Johnny's fish there are on his camera..Trout fishing is still good/ average..Pressure on the river is starting to increase but it isn't crazy by any means yet. Be nice and give people plenty of space to fish and we'll all have a great Salmon season. My Tue. ,Wed. cancelled so I'm open every day this week Mon. -Fri. if you get the itch to do a half day a.m. Salmon mission give me a call..
Tight lines
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Kings are coming SOON
July 31 2013
Hi All
Fall is just around the corner. It has a early Fall feel these days. Cool mornings and evenings, some light rain, dew levels increased, and King Salmon moving up the rivers and staging up in front of the peirheads. Yep we have been out fishing the big lake and catching fish in 29' FOW a short distance from the light house. A 27 lb. fish was caught in the harbor just this week..
My friends John, Brad,Chuck, and I all fished the Ludington Offshore Classic..We didn't win any cash or prizes but we showed up and had a good time. My friend Sean Mc Donald won the Pro division with his crew on Katch Me and a $8000 check..WOW great job Sean and crew.. Sean has won quite a few tournaments but this is the biggest award. He is wearing the King Crown for Ludington Charter boats.. Pole Dancer( that's our crew) came in 40th. for big fish at 22 lbs out of 105 entries.. Big Fish was tied at 29.9 lbs 1st. and 2nd had to split the money. Really what is great is 39 fish weight in over 22 lb. HUGE FISH is the theme for this year. Other notable fish were 2, 31 and 31.7 lb. Kings out of Manistee a 27.25 lb. Lake Trout out of Manistee, also a 35 lb. King from lake Michigan up Garden Peninsula, Delta County UP. I'm sure there are others that I haven't herd about too.
I was out in my 165 FM Lowe we call The Minnow and I had 4 kings to the boat between 18-24 lbs yesterday a.m. and 3 skippers we were 7 for 7 with 6 rods out in 4 hours..Those are the largest fish I've boated in my small craft. The waves were nice 1-3 footers and I picked up my handyman/ electrician Jim and went for a boat ride and it turned out very well..
I had some Trout Trips the last couple weeks. The water has remained low and clear even though we have had some showers it really hasn't piled up in the rain gage. The fishing has been average with the low clear water for us day time fishermen.The Trout have been hitting hoppers, ants and stimulator's also a few on nymphs and streamers. The night time guys mousing have been doing well and that goes hand and hand with the high canoe traffic, low clear water and bright sunny days. That will change as soon as we get a good heavy rain. Then I'll be in business scouting the lower river for Kings and Pike with hardware and flies. I could go casting down there now but we need a little more stain and a bunch more fish to be worth sniffing around..
Went out dirt biking after our good showers and had a few puddles around and everything was still good wet and cool. Just the way I like it. Hot sweaty,dirty, dusty no thanks..I pick my days I'm going to hit the trails just like when I ride snowmobiles. My brother, Jeff and I had a great ride putting on 80 or so miles..
Hi All
Fall is just around the corner. It has a early Fall feel these days. Cool mornings and evenings, some light rain, dew levels increased, and King Salmon moving up the rivers and staging up in front of the peirheads. Yep we have been out fishing the big lake and catching fish in 29' FOW a short distance from the light house. A 27 lb. fish was caught in the harbor just this week..
My friends John, Brad,Chuck, and I all fished the Ludington Offshore Classic..We didn't win any cash or prizes but we showed up and had a good time. My friend Sean Mc Donald won the Pro division with his crew on Katch Me and a $8000 check..WOW great job Sean and crew.. Sean has won quite a few tournaments but this is the biggest award. He is wearing the King Crown for Ludington Charter boats.. Pole Dancer( that's our crew) came in 40th. for big fish at 22 lbs out of 105 entries.. Big Fish was tied at 29.9 lbs 1st. and 2nd had to split the money. Really what is great is 39 fish weight in over 22 lb. HUGE FISH is the theme for this year. Other notable fish were 2, 31 and 31.7 lb. Kings out of Manistee a 27.25 lb. Lake Trout out of Manistee, also a 35 lb. King from lake Michigan up Garden Peninsula, Delta County UP. I'm sure there are others that I haven't herd about too.
I was out in my 165 FM Lowe we call The Minnow and I had 4 kings to the boat between 18-24 lbs yesterday a.m. and 3 skippers we were 7 for 7 with 6 rods out in 4 hours..Those are the largest fish I've boated in my small craft. The waves were nice 1-3 footers and I picked up my handyman/ electrician Jim and went for a boat ride and it turned out very well..
I had some Trout Trips the last couple weeks. The water has remained low and clear even though we have had some showers it really hasn't piled up in the rain gage. The fishing has been average with the low clear water for us day time fishermen.The Trout have been hitting hoppers, ants and stimulator's also a few on nymphs and streamers. The night time guys mousing have been doing well and that goes hand and hand with the high canoe traffic, low clear water and bright sunny days. That will change as soon as we get a good heavy rain. Then I'll be in business scouting the lower river for Kings and Pike with hardware and flies. I could go casting down there now but we need a little more stain and a bunch more fish to be worth sniffing around..
Went out dirt biking after our good showers and had a few puddles around and everything was still good wet and cool. Just the way I like it. Hot sweaty,dirty, dusty no thanks..I pick my days I'm going to hit the trails just like when I ride snowmobiles. My brother, Jeff and I had a great ride putting on 80 or so miles..
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Summer Fun
July 16th. 2013
Hi All
Summer is here!! It's 90 + deg. today and feels much hotter with the sun and humidity..I have been Smallmouth fishing with a friend and client Pete Hodgman the last couple days. Pete had a new boat built very similar to my power drifter by Headwater Boats..The hull is the exact same the inside is set up a little diffrent..Pete specilizes in Smallmouth and Carp flyfishing and guides Grand Travers Bay and Huron River down state goldenbonefish.com..If you want to get into some great warm water fishing he's got them diled in. I tied on 2 of his streamer patterns and caught 2 smallies at a time. I noticed almost every Smallmouth had another smallie chasing it while hooked up. The fish behind was looking for scraps so I gave them a scrap..hehe..It was a roaster both days on the water 85 -90 deg and full sun. Thank god for sunblock..
I had some Trout trips last week I took out Steve and Pete E.. There trip was timed perfectly with the weather. We had a 1.5" of rain the day before and they like to throw streamers. The fish were very happy about the fresh water and they had a good bite and chase with a little color with the extra flow. They landed 7 Brown Trout 12"-16" and had a 24" and a 20" on and both came unbuttoned..2 days later the bite was lack lustered for clients Tim and Ryan we tried streamers for half the day and then switched to dries and nymphing for the rest of the day and boated a Largemouth Bass on a streamer lost another 20" Brown on a streamer and landed 4 or 5 Browns on dries. Both days the weather was great but on Pete and Steve's trip we had clouds 1/2 the day which helps a bunch..
The rest of this week will be spent scouting on the big lake for the upcomming tournaments. The Ludington Offshore Classic is this weekend. I fish aboard Pole Dancer. 2 other friends fish it as well Dew Crew and Katch Me..It will be fun. We caught a few fish on Saturday scouting with the Dew Crew but failed to find any real honey hole. Some decient fishing is setting up offshore in 400 foot of water. Fish up north around Manistee and Frankfort have been big big. Reports of a 27.25 lb. Laker was caught last week and a 31 lb. King this week..Lots of Kings in the 24-26 lb. catagory have been caught out of Ludington. Looks like a good year for big fish shaping up.
Thanks for reading
Tight Lines
Hi All
Summer is here!! It's 90 + deg. today and feels much hotter with the sun and humidity..I have been Smallmouth fishing with a friend and client Pete Hodgman the last couple days. Pete had a new boat built very similar to my power drifter by Headwater Boats..The hull is the exact same the inside is set up a little diffrent..Pete specilizes in Smallmouth and Carp flyfishing and guides Grand Travers Bay and Huron River down state goldenbonefish.com..If you want to get into some great warm water fishing he's got them diled in. I tied on 2 of his streamer patterns and caught 2 smallies at a time. I noticed almost every Smallmouth had another smallie chasing it while hooked up. The fish behind was looking for scraps so I gave them a scrap..hehe..It was a roaster both days on the water 85 -90 deg and full sun. Thank god for sunblock..
I had some Trout trips last week I took out Steve and Pete E.. There trip was timed perfectly with the weather. We had a 1.5" of rain the day before and they like to throw streamers. The fish were very happy about the fresh water and they had a good bite and chase with a little color with the extra flow. They landed 7 Brown Trout 12"-16" and had a 24" and a 20" on and both came unbuttoned..2 days later the bite was lack lustered for clients Tim and Ryan we tried streamers for half the day and then switched to dries and nymphing for the rest of the day and boated a Largemouth Bass on a streamer lost another 20" Brown on a streamer and landed 4 or 5 Browns on dries. Both days the weather was great but on Pete and Steve's trip we had clouds 1/2 the day which helps a bunch..
The rest of this week will be spent scouting on the big lake for the upcomming tournaments. The Ludington Offshore Classic is this weekend. I fish aboard Pole Dancer. 2 other friends fish it as well Dew Crew and Katch Me..It will be fun. We caught a few fish on Saturday scouting with the Dew Crew but failed to find any real honey hole. Some decient fishing is setting up offshore in 400 foot of water. Fish up north around Manistee and Frankfort have been big big. Reports of a 27.25 lb. Laker was caught last week and a 31 lb. King this week..Lots of Kings in the 24-26 lb. catagory have been caught out of Ludington. Looks like a good year for big fish shaping up.
Thanks for reading
Tight Lines
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Lake St. Clare Musky Trip
June 23, 2013
Hi All
I had another great visit to the East side of Detroit in St. Clare Shores..Thanks to Robert James and family for letting me hang out with your family. Robert is a old friend I worked with from Wallside Windows. I'll be celebrating my 10 year anniversary here at the Red Moose Lodge on October 15th. and also 10 year of getting out of that line of work. I also was hanging out with Tom and Brett another couple guys I worked with down there.
On Tuesday I met up with Tim and Nick ( father & son) a couple of client's I have been fishing with for many years. Tim is a avid Musky fishing guy. So when I asked him if he wanted to go it didn't take long to get a "yes" back. It sound's like he's in for next year as well. Tim and Nick are Cubs fans as well. So we went to a Tigers game vs Baltimore. A friend Brett met us at the park and joined us for the game. Tim and Nick were impressed with the stadium. It had many better features than there Cubs ball park, nice cup holders,big screan scoreboard and over all just a way nicer ballpark. The Tigers lost but that's life sometimes they win sometimes they loose..They lost the series against Baltimore and finally fired Valverdie, he has been a aweful closer as of late for the Tigers, good ridence..
On Wednesday I met up with my dad and Tim & Nick for our Musky trip. The fishing was slower than we would have liked but I had a feeling it would be. Last year it was hot and the water was way warmer and that in turn fires up top water action for the Muskys. The cooler water had them feeding down deep and a slower bite.The 3-4 days of East and North East winds NEVER help. North cools the water and East puts a back spin on it. Prevaling winds are West and South West are best winds for warmer water..
We landed 4 Musky so we all got our hands on one and we also landed 2 Smallies and a Walleye. Captain Craig and first mate Gary of Heatwave Charters did a great job but the bad fishing weather had us beat. Super sunny as well which is unusual for a NE and E wind those usually have a big Low pressure and bring a rain with them. It was a bueatiful 3 days to be out on the water not to choppy and sunny..
On Thursday and Friday I went out on Tom's new boat a 2003 18' Boston Whaler to do some fly casting. Tom and Robert stuck with what was working soft plastics on the bottom bounce. I kept whaling away with flies and lures and got a few Smallies but no Musky or Pike which is what I was throwing for. With all the wacky wind had the Smallies glued to the bottom 2 feet of the lake. I had some smallies come up and stare down my huge flies but wouldn't bite. It could have something to do with all the fish flies or "Hex Flies" on the water may have had the fish full of bugs. They had room for a smaller soft plastic in there face but not a big bait like I was hauling out there and stripping back..
On Thursday we went for a cruise on Roberts boat 28' X 10' Forumla to Detroit and back with his family. We made it just past the Canada Bridge and went back. I never knew how many marinas there were from St. Clare Shores to Detroit area, tons of boats down there. The marinas are all full of big boats and small. Maybe I'll try to make it down there again when the weather looks better and the fish flies are all gone and the winds look favorable. I'll go down and fish with Tom and Robert again in July.
For now it's back to a busy lodge and lots of travlers coming up North enjoying there summer vacations in the Baldwin area. Canoe, Kayaking, Atv's and Dirt Bikes are some activities being enjoyed..As for the Trout fishing the Hex hatch is starting and big fish are eating right off the surface at night. Grey Drakes are also getting eaten right before dark as well..Mouse flies are producing almost every night skating a big fly that makes a wake or a gurgle noise produces big fish in the dark..During the day nymphing and dries catch little to medium size Trout with the occasional nice one during the day. The bigger fish are definitly favoring the evening and dark shift.
Till Next Time
Tight Lines
Hi All
I had another great visit to the East side of Detroit in St. Clare Shores..Thanks to Robert James and family for letting me hang out with your family. Robert is a old friend I worked with from Wallside Windows. I'll be celebrating my 10 year anniversary here at the Red Moose Lodge on October 15th. and also 10 year of getting out of that line of work. I also was hanging out with Tom and Brett another couple guys I worked with down there.
On Tuesday I met up with Tim and Nick ( father & son) a couple of client's I have been fishing with for many years. Tim is a avid Musky fishing guy. So when I asked him if he wanted to go it didn't take long to get a "yes" back. It sound's like he's in for next year as well. Tim and Nick are Cubs fans as well. So we went to a Tigers game vs Baltimore. A friend Brett met us at the park and joined us for the game. Tim and Nick were impressed with the stadium. It had many better features than there Cubs ball park, nice cup holders,big screan scoreboard and over all just a way nicer ballpark. The Tigers lost but that's life sometimes they win sometimes they loose..They lost the series against Baltimore and finally fired Valverdie, he has been a aweful closer as of late for the Tigers, good ridence..
On Wednesday I met up with my dad and Tim & Nick for our Musky trip. The fishing was slower than we would have liked but I had a feeling it would be. Last year it was hot and the water was way warmer and that in turn fires up top water action for the Muskys. The cooler water had them feeding down deep and a slower bite.The 3-4 days of East and North East winds NEVER help. North cools the water and East puts a back spin on it. Prevaling winds are West and South West are best winds for warmer water..
We landed 4 Musky so we all got our hands on one and we also landed 2 Smallies and a Walleye. Captain Craig and first mate Gary of Heatwave Charters did a great job but the bad fishing weather had us beat. Super sunny as well which is unusual for a NE and E wind those usually have a big Low pressure and bring a rain with them. It was a bueatiful 3 days to be out on the water not to choppy and sunny..
On Thursday and Friday I went out on Tom's new boat a 2003 18' Boston Whaler to do some fly casting. Tom and Robert stuck with what was working soft plastics on the bottom bounce. I kept whaling away with flies and lures and got a few Smallies but no Musky or Pike which is what I was throwing for. With all the wacky wind had the Smallies glued to the bottom 2 feet of the lake. I had some smallies come up and stare down my huge flies but wouldn't bite. It could have something to do with all the fish flies or "Hex Flies" on the water may have had the fish full of bugs. They had room for a smaller soft plastic in there face but not a big bait like I was hauling out there and stripping back..
On Thursday we went for a cruise on Roberts boat 28' X 10' Forumla to Detroit and back with his family. We made it just past the Canada Bridge and went back. I never knew how many marinas there were from St. Clare Shores to Detroit area, tons of boats down there. The marinas are all full of big boats and small. Maybe I'll try to make it down there again when the weather looks better and the fish flies are all gone and the winds look favorable. I'll go down and fish with Tom and Robert again in July.
For now it's back to a busy lodge and lots of travlers coming up North enjoying there summer vacations in the Baldwin area. Canoe, Kayaking, Atv's and Dirt Bikes are some activities being enjoyed..As for the Trout fishing the Hex hatch is starting and big fish are eating right off the surface at night. Grey Drakes are also getting eaten right before dark as well..Mouse flies are producing almost every night skating a big fly that makes a wake or a gurgle noise produces big fish in the dark..During the day nymphing and dries catch little to medium size Trout with the occasional nice one during the day. The bigger fish are definitly favoring the evening and dark shift.
Till Next Time
Tight Lines
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